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12th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food R&D in the Baltics and Beyond

Conference is organized by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Department of Food Science and Technology


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The Organizing Committee warmly invites our distinguished delegates and guests to the 12th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food R&D in the Baltics and Beyond” (FOODBALT2018) held during May 17-18, 2018 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The main goal of the Conference is to provide international scientific forums to exchange of new ideas and achievements in a number of Food science and Technology fields. The conference is unique event, where leading food scientists and young scientists as doctoral or MSc students able to exchange by the latest results in their field of the research, and to acquire additional knowledge in other field. Furthermore, it will also provide meet old friends and form new partnerships.

We hope that you will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange and visit the city of Kaunas. We look forward to personally meeting you throughout the days of the conference.


  • Functional food;
  • Bioactive food constituents and function
  • Chemical changes induced by processing and storage
  • Food safety and quality
  • Food microbiology
  • Chemistry behind sensorial, flavour and textural properties
  • Food technology and products development
  • Food packaging
  • Novel food and Nutrition
  • Developments in agromaterials for food


Participants registration is open by 16 March, 2018
 April 06, 2018 (FINAL EXTENSION)  Submission of abstracts
 April 16, 2018  Final submission of full-Text paper
 March 23, 2018  Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
 April 16, 2018  Registration fee deadline
 May 17-18, 2018  Conference date

Registration fee includes admission to the lectures, abstract e-book, Full-Text paper, coffee and snacks during breaks.

Full registration 120 EUR, incl. 21% VAT
 PhD and Master students (certified) registration  50 EUR, incl. 21% VAT
 The Conference dinner  40 EUR, incl. 21% VAT

Details for the payment via Bank transfer

 Name of Bank AB SEB bankas
 Address of Bank  Gedimino av. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania
 IBAN  LT387044060003104481
 KTU internal account number  KO067

IMPORTANT. Please remember to state on all money transfers: (1) KTU internal account number Nr: KO067; (2) purpose of payment: registration fee FOODBALT-2018; (3) participant’s name (names, in case of group payment) and institution. All bank costs must be charged to the customer.

Please remember to provide your proof of payment at the registration desk.

Please, inform us if you need invoice. For invoice we need information:

 Name of institution
 Address of institution
 Code of institution
 VAT Code
Refund requests can be submitted to official e-mail and 50% refund can be granted if notification of cancellations has reached us before April 16, 2018. No refunds can be granted after this date.

Conference Location – Faculty of Chemical Technology, Radvilėnų pl. 19, Kaunas, Lithuania.


Hotel Ibis:

Vytauto av. 28; LT-44328 Kaunas, Lithuania. Telephone: (+370)37/265600; Fax: (+370)37/265666


Kaunas Hotel:

Laisves av. 79; LT-44297 Kaunas, Lithuania. Telephone: (+370 37) 750 850; Fax: (+370 37) 750 851


Hotel Kaunas City:

Laisves av. 90; LT-44251 Kaunas, Lithuania. Tel.: +370 (37) 220 220; Fax:  +370 (37) 788 508


Centre Hotel:
66 Savanoriu Avenue; LT–44175 Kaunas. Tel./fax: +370 37 32 14 18. Mob.: +370 616 15 788


Algiro Hotel:
Savanoriu pr. 120, Kaunas, LT 44148. Lithuania. Phone: +370 37 537 700 or +370 37 537 744


Hotel Perkūno namai:

Perkūno al. 61, LT – 44226, Kaunas. Phone +370 37 320230. Fax +370 37 323678. Mobile +370 698 54099.


TRANSPORTATION from Vilnius airport to Kaunas

You can get train from Vilnius airport to Vilnius station ( The train station is near airport around 5 min walk ( From Vilnius Station You can get train to Kaunas (the tirp time from Vilnius to Kaunas is around 1 hour 5 minutes). The train tickets you can buy on line (Vilnius airport-Vilnius Station and Vilnius Station – Kaunas) ( The tickets schould be printed.

Also You can get the bus or microbus (company TOKS) from Vilnius airport   to Vilnius bus station to Kaunas bus station (


For the information about catering, public transport and wheather in Kaunas, please visit the page:

For more the information about Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), please visit the page:

Oral presentations: time for oral presentations will be 15 minutes including 5 minutes discussion. Official conference language is English.

Poster presentations: poster size 594 x 840 mm.

Abstracts must be written in English. The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should contain the objective of the study, the methods used, the results obtained, and conclusions. Keywords (max. 6 words) should be listed directly below the abstract body. Tables, figures and references should not be insluded in the abstract. The abstract(s) should be saved as presentingauthornameandsurname.doc

FoodBalt_2018 abstract template

Authors may consider preparing the Full Paper in the Scientific Journals  Žemdirbystė = Agriculture, Millenium or Chemija instead of abstract.

In order to publish a Full Paper in one of the Scientific Journals, it must be prepared by the guidelines provided by the Journals. Please note, that only selected Papers will be published.

Žemdirbystė = Agriculture Regular Issues/no publishing fee/5 year IF=0.822.

1. Visit  Žemdirbystė = Agriculture site and follow general requirements outlined on the page.

2. Full Paper should be sent to:

3. Please make sure to indicate that this is a Full Paper for FoodBalt2018 conference.

Multidisciplinar international journal “Millenium – Journal of Education, Technology and Health“, a scientific peer review journal and also an open-acces publication. Cited in Dialnet, Litindex, DOAJ, Cross Ref (USA). Provide DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each article (10.5755/j01.ct).

Chemija publishes original research articles and reviews from all branches of modern chemistry, including physical, inorganic, analytical, organic, polymer chemistry, electrochemistry, and multidisciplinary approaches. The journal is covered by Clarivate Analytics Web of Science since 2007. Currently, the journal‘s impact factor is 0.357; 5-year impact factor 0.590.

  1. Visit Chemija site and follow general requirements outlined on the page.
  2. Full Paper should be sent to:


Chairman: Prof. Petras Rimantas Venskutonis (Kaunas University of Technology, LT).

Members (alphabetically by the first name):

  1. Daina Karklina (Latvia University of Agriculture, LV);
  2. Daiva Leskauskaitė (Kaunas Universite of Technology, LT);
  3. Ona Ragažinskienė (Vytautas Magnus University, LT);
  4. Pranas Viškelis (Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, LT);
  5. Ruta Galoburda (Latvia University of Agriculture, LV);
  6. Thierry Tolou (Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, FR);
  7. Valdas Jakštas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, LT);
  8. Zenonas Dabkevičius (Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, LT);
  9. Živilė Lukšienė, Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research, LT.

Members (alphabetically by the first name):

  1. Aušra Šipailienė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  2. Audrius Pukalskas (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  3. Daiva Žadeikė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  4. Ingrida Kaniauskienė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  5. Jonas Damašius (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  6. Milda Pukalskienė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  7. Rimantė Vinauskienė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  8. Vaida Kitrytė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT);
  9. Viktorija Eisinaitė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT)


General Sponsor

The Main Sponsor




Dear colleques,

In FoodBalt-2018 conference will take a part Alan Coxon also known as the “Food Archaeologist” has established a reputation as one of the world’s favourite TV chefs and presenters, with exceptional culinary talent and an unparalleled knowledge for the earliest origins of ingredients. More information:


17d. of May  9.00- 9.45 val. Alan Coxon keynote lecture: Food Archaeology: the importance of understanding the past to assist with  the future“. Conference hall.

17d.of May 14.15 val Alan Coxon Master Class – “A taste of the past for kitchens of the future”. Adress:  Radvilėnų pl. 19, „B“ korpusas 204 a. Kaunas.

The Registration fee:               30 EUR, incl. 21% VAT

number of participants is limited. The aprovment of payment needs to be send to

Details for the payment via Bank transfer

Name of Bank                            AB SEB bankas

Bank code                                    70440

Address of Bank                       Gedimino av. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania


IBAN                 LT387044060003104481

KTU internal account number                          KO 067

IMPORTANT. Please remember to state on all money transfers: (1) KTU internal account number Nr: KO 067 (2) purpose of payment: participant fee in worshop A taste of the past for kitchens of the future”-2018; (3) participant’s name (names, in case of group payment) and institution. All bank costs must be charged to the customer.

Please remember to provide your proof of payment to or  at the registration desk.

Please, inform us if you need invoice. For invoice we need information:

Name of institution

Address of institution

Code of institution;                  VAT Code


Conference location – Faculty of Chemical Technology, Radvilėnų pl. 19, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Organizational and Technical Matters

Aušra Šipailienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Department of Food Science and Technology
Radvilėnų pl. 19, Kaunas, LT-50254, Lithuania